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Celona MicroSlicing and Video Surveillance

Configuration steps to enforce throughput SLA on real-time video

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Written by Team Celona
Updated over 8 months ago

The last thing anybody needs from an IP Camera is poor quality, grainy or pixelated footage.

CCTV footage

Celona MicroSlicing™ gives you the power to create custom applications and priority for all your private mobile network traffic. In this document we will show you how to configure MicroSlicing for IP Cameras sending data to a centrally located network video recorder, or video analysis ingest point.

The process for configuring MicroSlicing is the same:

  1. Create your logical device group

  2. Assign devices to the group

  3. Create the custom application definition

  4. Create the MicroSlicing policy.

Create Device Group & Assign Devices

Log in to Celona Orchestrator and select Device Groups > Create Device Group. Enter a name then select devices that apply and click Update to save.

Create CCTV Application

Select Applications from the left hand menu and enter IP/port information.

Most IP Cameras in the market support the RTSP video protocol. RTSP uses port 554 on the IP Camera which is why we have entered the port range under Device Start / End Port.

If you are using a centralized NVR with a static IP address you would enter that in the Remote Configuration section.

Click Add to save your application definition.

Creating the MicroSlicing policy

Select MicroSlicing from the left-hand menu and click Create MicroSlicing.

For Bitrate configuration you have two primary options, Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) and Non-GBR. If your cameras are configured to send video at a specific frame rate and bitrate, you can choose GBR here.

However, most cameras are now configured for "Variable Bit Rate with a cap", as it provides the most efficient video encoding. This article provides a deeper dive on IP camera bitrates and best practice. For a Non-GBR configuration select Streaming Video from the dropdown QoS Priority list.

Our next step is to select the Device Group and Application that will be assigned to this MicroSlicing policy.

Now click Save and your newly created policy will be active on your Celona private mobile network in minutes.

To see Celona MicroSlicing in action, take a look at our guide.

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