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Edge Cluster Creation

Zero-touch provisioning of Celona Edge OS and Edge nodes via the Orchestrator

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Written by Team Celona
Updated over 6 months ago

Refer this article to understand IP interface requirements for Celona Edge Cluster.

Assuming you are already logged in to the Celona Orchestrator, go to the Edge Clusters page and click the CREATE NEW button on the top right corner.

Give the Edge Cluster a name. We suggest creating a naming convention that will help you understand what it is and where it is, the information required for ongoing operations.

Select the Deployment Region for the Celona Edge Cluster, this would be the region where the Edge Cluster is physically deployed.

If the Deployment Region selected is the US (United States),

You can now select your preferred SAS Account. Options will be:

  • [Default] Celona - Federated Wireless Account (Recommended)

  • Celona - Google SAS Account

  • Your Custom SAS Accounts - Refer to this document for additional details

If the Deployment Region selected is Non-US (All Countries except the United States),

you directly select the PLMN ID for the network next.

Next set the PLMN ID & PLMN Name.

  • PLMN ID - The Celona network is identified using Public Land Mobile Network Identity (PLMN-ID) which consists of a three-digit mobile country code (MCC) and a three-digit mobile network code (MNC).

    • For US deployments, PLMN ID is defaulted to 315010. 315010 is designated for CBRS operation.

    • For International deployments, PLMN ID is defaulted to 999503

    • PLMN ID can also be set to a custom value

      • Note that Celona SIM cards are pre-programmed to work with PLMN ID 315010 or 999503. To use a custom PLMN ID you will need a custom SIM profile. Please contact Celona Support team if you want to use a custom PLMN ID

  • PLMN Name - Descriptive identifier for the Celona Network. Network name (Celona) is pre-programmed in the SIM card. End devices with a display show the PLMN Name on the screen. Some devices allow the network to override the value pre-programmed in the SIM card. This configuration enables admin users to customize the PLMN name display on the device upon attach.

    • Default - Celona

    • The default network name can be over-written by a user-configured custom network name

Note: Post 2402 release DHCP mode configuration for your Edge to operate in Relay/Client mode to manage IP addresses for connected devices IS NOT required. DHCP mode is set to Client mode by default.

Note: Best practice recommendation is to have a minimum of 3 nodes in an Edge Cluster for a production Celona network. Pilot networks can be supported with a single node Edge cluster.

Enable HA Cluster functionality using the toggle option. You will be prompted to supply -

  • Static IP Address (Edge Cluster IP/VRRP IP) - This IP address will be used to create the VRRP interface that Celona APs will communicate with. It must be reachable by all Celona APs assigned to that cluster.

  • VRRP ID - The VRRP ID will be auto-populated from the last octet of the VRRP IP Address. Alternatively, if you choose to provide a specific VRRP ID, please make sure it is not already in use.

Search for Edge Nodes in your inventory that you want to add to this new Edge Cluster. Click CREATE to complete Edge Cluster creation.

The screenshots shows Edge Cluster Details page for a 3-node Edge Cluster

This article describes setting up internal and/or external IP domains to integrate Celona 5G LAN with your existing L2/L3 IP infrastructure.

Post 2406 ONLY - Configuring AP ↔︎ Edge data plane interface (N3/S1-U)

  • Edge Node configuration for AP<->Edge N3/UPF interface is now configurable at the Edge cluster level, one IP address per Edge Node.

  • When the button “Edge↔︎AP IP” is clicked, a popup dialog will show up for configuring this interface.

  • DHCP is enabled by default for this interface.

  • If a user would like to provide Static IP configuration for this interface due to the unavailability of DHCP, click the Static button to expand the section and enter the static IP address per edge nodes assigned to the cluster, Subnet Mask and the Default gateway.

  • The “Edge Nodes” table shows an additional column for “Edge↔︎AP IP” Dataplane Interface (S1-U/N3) and the current IP address for this interface.

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